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Ebisu Ginza Cross

Location / Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Completion / 2019
Program / Commercial Building

Design / Hideki Tamura, PODA

Collaborator / Tsunemi Araragi

恵比寿銀座クロスビル 正面ファサード

正面ファサード 撮影:淺川敏

白の格子 まち並みへの処方

東京都渋谷区に建つ医療系のテナントビル。1,2階には飲食店と薬局、セットバックした3~5階にはクリニックが入る。雑然と看板がひしめく駅前商店街の、典型的風景が広がる。長期的に記号の海を舵取りできる柔軟性と中立性、医療系ビルとしての視認性を併せ持つ外観ファサードを探求した。狭い商店街でフォーカスされやすい低層部は、白の格子フレームとガラスからなる。鉄骨部材の構造的な交差、医療を象徴する白十字、そして利用者の往交という3種類の「交差 - Cross」が、シンプルな白の格子としてまち並みに顕在化する。クリニック利用の多い日中は、白十字としての様相を呈し、ガラスに映り込む商店街の鏡像が内部への視線を緩和する。飲食店のにぎわう夜間は、格子に縁取られた大ガラスが、道行く人の視線を誘うショーケースとしてふるまう。時とともに他者のまなざしを調停しながら、白の格子はまち並みに向き合う。

White Grid - Prescription for the Cityscape

A medical tenant building located in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, houses restaurants and a pharmacy on the first and second floors, with clinics occupying the setback third to fifth floors. The site sits amidst the typical cityscape of a cluttered shopping street near a station, where competing signs dominate the view. The design pursued a facade that combines flexibility and neutrality to navigate this "sea of symbols" while ensuring visibility as a medical building.

The lower portion of the facade, which draws attention in the narrow shopping street, consists of a white grid frame and glass. The design embodies three types of "crossings"—structural crossings of steel members, white crosses symbolizing medicine, and the flow of users who bring vitality to the space—materialized as a simple white grid in the cityscape. During the daytime, when clinics are busiest, the building takes on the appearance of a white cross, with reflections of the shopping street in the glass softening the gaze into the interior. At night, when restaurants are lively, the large glass panels framed by the grid function as a showcase, inviting the attention of passers-by. Over time, as it mediates the gaze of others, the white grid continuously engages with the cityscape.

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